How to Send a Group Email in Gmail

Hands up if you’ve ever forgotten someone in a group email πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Sometimes it’s helpful to be able to email groups of people all at once, without having to remember everyone’s names.

There’s an easy way to send group emails in Gmail, without needing to ask your Google Workspace administrator to create a group in the Admin Console.

To send a group email in Gmail:

  1. Sign into Google Contacts at

  2. Click Create label.

  3. Assign a name to the new label and click Save.

  4. Open a contact and click the label icon beneath their name/title to select the new label.

  5. Repeat for additional contacts, or multi-select contacts from the contact list and click the label button at the top to bulk add contacts to a label.

  6. Once all members have been added to the label, sign into Gmail at

  7. Click Compose.

  8. Type the name of the newly-created label in the To: field and select the contact group when it auto-completes. (Note: Gmail may require a refresh if you already had it open prior to creating the new label, and even then it may also take some time before the new label appears in Gmail.)

  9. Compose your message and click Send.

Christian Newman

Google Workspace Partner ☁️ Digital Strategist πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» TELUS Alumni 🌱 I make companies more productive πŸ“ˆ Coffee, anyone? β˜•οΈ

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